but one that turned into a wonderful meditation. After awhile I was in the zone....I was on my feet for hours but I did get it done. I guess I ought to tell you what I'm talking about. I was gifted a hank of some wonderful Shosenshi linen paper. It looked like a hank I could just put on my swift and wind up like I do my yarn....however, part of the hank was in tangles and putting it on the swift just wasn't working. So, I hung it from a magnetic clip on my door and that worked out much better. I know it's probably hard to believe but I enjoyed doing it. Now that it's done, I hope to do some weaving on my pin loom that I showed you a couple of weeks ago. Will show you some weaving next time.
click on the images...
started out on the swift...one side is a tangled mess |
hanging on the door |
there are lots more balls now.... |
I have worked on my redwork hat quilt and it's a challenge doing this without a pattern....calculating what to cut for the next round...and not sure how it will actually look. So far, I'm liking it. Just a couple more rounds to go but not quite sure yet what that will look like. I'm also starting to think about how I will quilt this and my plan, so far, is sounding complicated in my mind. Hoping I don't lose interest on the way to the finish.
thinking it will be about 50" square....not sure yet |
....and I did play with some Alcohol Inks after watching a video that looked interesting. You can see it
here. It was in the Joggles newsletter I received. I've had the inks for a long while and want to play a bit more this coming week.
alcohol inks on a plastic box and on a ceramic bead |
Hope you are all having a wonderful weekend. I have a long list of what I want to accomplish today so I'd better get started. See you next time.
You scared me by showing the tangled mess :-) The box looks awesome..I didn't know that the inks work on ceramic too..
Now, this was certainly an interesting experience and the outcome is very, very nice, those many balls. Lovely material.
I can see how it would put you in the zone. There is only this one thread to follow the entire time, over and under and around again and again. Congratulations, can't wait to see this fiber on the loom. The quilt is coming together! Love your alcohol inks, those colors....
Determination and inspiration in this post Deanna. Beautiful Fiber, lovely quilt, and Alcohol Inks. A friend of mine, Wendy Videlock (Colorado poet) does ink instructionals too https://youtu.be/u2AH59GlUiw
looks very tangled how good to get it wound into balls hope to see what you have made with it soon. The hat quilt is coming along well, I am doing on with cats but mine are going to be in green not red. Not tried alcohol ink and have told myself to stick to stitching, have enough stuff taking over the house without adding more!
that's a wonderful surface on the box Deanna...I have seen your weaving with the paper yarn, it looks very delicate and fragile although I am sure it isn't. Your perseverance definitely paid off.
Congratulations on sorting out that tangle. The last time I dealt with one of those I needed my husband's hands as well as my own!
I can understand that you enjoyed sorting out that tangle of thread, the achievement of creating calm out of chaos, plus you have something you can use at the end too. The thread looks as though it's going to be nice to work with, I've not seen anything like it before so I'm looking forward to seeing what you produce from it.
I don't know anything about alcohol inks so I'm going to have a look at the video after I've finished this.
I hope you do finish the red work hats piece as I'm loving it!
You have been sooooo brave Deanna ! ;-)
But the reward is yours !
Ohhhh...you are so patient! Will look for what comes of the untangling. Like the alcohol inks, will have to explore more about that.
There was something so beautiful about that hank, even with the tangles. Can't wait to see what you do with it
oh deanna i can list skein untangling in my resumè and in a perverse way i too enjoy it
My goodness what a tangled mess that was! At least you had the patience to see it untangled so you could use it. Love the alcohol inks thank you for the link.
One of our club members alcohol inked her heat gun and it looked really great, love that it works on ceramics too, wouldn't have thought about that!
That was dedicated untangling girl!!
Lovely color hat quilt. Like red work embroidery!That paper Shosenshi looks a real mess, but I read your latest post and see you managed them very well!
All those tangles? You are definitely a better woman than I - if it were up to me they'd be in the nearest waste basket. I have NO patience for that sort of thing - good thing my DH did a lot of fishing (and the ensuing untangling of fishing line) so he's happy to detangle my messes for me.
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