I never did finish the scrollwork on that collar for the Downton Abbey coat in one day. It took several. Just printing the pattern and making it into stencils took hours....and then i basted through the stencil onto the knitting. Working on the cuffs this weekend.
click on the images...
paper stencils...don't know if i'll ever use them again but after all that work, i'm not throwing them away. |
scrollwork on the collar is completed |
basted the design on the cuff....ready for the scrollwork. |
The scrollwork is done with a crochet hook and a slip stitch. you pull the yarn up from the backside while doing the slip stitch on the right side so it's a bit tricky.
I decided to make a triangular shawl to match with the leftover yarn. I had ordered one extra skein....just in case something went terribly wrong.
triangular shawl pattern....easy |
started the shawl |
I found the shawl pattern
HERE just in case you are inspired to make one.
....and since this has all been about knitting, I thought I'd share a fun block to make if you are a quilter or a stitcher or just want to try something different..... A quilting friend shared the instructions for making a bow tie block from one piece of fabric just by folding and a bit of stitching. It was fun to do and I found a you-tube video that takes you through it step by step. The video is
you can do some embroidery or applique in the spaces to accentuate the bow tie if you don't like the solid color. i like the texture it creates. |
Have a fun week whatever it is you are doing.
It's turning out great, but, oh, my word….what a lot of work!
& your last post! It really does bring to mind "falling down the rabbit hole into Wonderland! & more thoughts of your portal…
Ouch (I'm sure you recognize the sound of my jaw dropping)....that collar is amazing! I can't begin to imagine the patience it must have taken, not only to create the stencil but to stitch it. You deserve the 'patience' award of the week (heck...the entire YEAR!)
Oh wow Deanna! Can't wait to see it finished. Shawls are such a nice thing to make too.
The patience you must have to do that scroll work, Deanna, it looks good.
the coat is going to be even more spectacular than I imagined with the scrolls etc on the collar and the cuffs. Bow tie looks interesting, will check out the video.
what a great video thanks for sharing it will certainly be trying the block myself
The Downton Abbey collar looks fabulous. I like how you over crochet the patterns over it. Thanks for sharing the link on how to make bow tie. You never know, it could come in handy! Hugs Nat
The scrollwork will be worth the effort, just you wait and see!
the scroll pattern is a beautiful enhancement Deanna and I agree....keep the stencils.
OH, this is going to be something special --- with the embellishment on the collar and cuffs. I gave you a comment on an old post - 4 years. When it is about grandmas I am becoming sentimental.
Those stencils needed to be bronzed now! Like baby shoes were kept, back in the day. Interesting how you baste through the stencil and then crochet the scrolls. What a work of art that coat will be. Smart to order extra yarn and now you will have a beautiful shawl as well.
Oh my...that scroll work is amazing! You must be so focused to create the stencil and then execute it. It looks tricky. The shawl looks nice too, but none of it looks easy to me.
Scrolls had come beautifully.Thanks for sharing the bow block tutorial.
I'm not sure whether it'll work on knitted piece..just an info..I do gold work on heavy/medium velvet fabric for saree blouses.Since tracing the pattern onto velvet is next to impossible I either print a pattern on a normal paper or trace it onto a tissue paper,tack it to the velvet, stitch the pattern outline with long running or basting stitches through both paper and fabric,tear off the paper and start embroidering using the basting stitches as guidelines.
I understand completely why you don't want to throw those stencils away - sometimes it takes me a while to let go of something I don't need if I have put hours and hours into it...
Love the bow-tie block - it looks so cute. Thank you for the link. Years ago I made a bowtie quilt for my son. When he was little he loved to dress up with a collared shirt and bow-tie. I saved the shirts and when he was about eight I made them into a quilt, using old pajamas for the back. the quilt is home for repairs after twenty years of use - another on my To Do List!1531
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