i'm trying to spread myself all over the place and do a bit of everything. i stopped at the thrift store this week looking for something specific and found two things i couldn't pass up. they both will be used almost immediately for projects planned.
click on the images for close-ups.
both are runners...crochet lace and a thick cotton embroidered white on white |
more journal work with free motion embroidery on paper and scrim.
free motion embroidery on paper and then hand embroidered. insert of grandma's picture. |
a test sample piece of watercolor painted paper with scrim...free motion embroidery...and hand embroidery |
i got close to the end of the wool unraveling that i've been posting about and it all started tangling. i have enough to start spinning and the rest will be untangled little by little.
and finally, i'm back to my bobbin lace that's been on the pillow for over a year. it's close to being finished and will become a pouch. it's stitched onto purple velvet and will have a green lining. it's a beautiful green, linen thread. could not capture the beautiful color with the camera.
bobbin lace stitched onto purple velvet. adding some beading to the fringe. |
February went by so quickly. i'm looking forward to March. the bulbs are starting to bloom and Spring is on its way. we've had a real mild winter here in Austin. some of the plants didn't freeze back at all this year. wishing you all a good week.
Deanna~ I love seeing all you create! The pouch sounds amazing and such a nice thrift find! Have fun and enjoy spring :)
all over the place and then some...the picture of your grandmother in the second picture: very moving, that whole piece is just lovely and delicate; you made an excellent find in the thrift store, I find myself avoiding the shops more and more as I don't enjoy shopping and am trying to only use what's here (or what friends drop off here!), which is enough already!
oh this is so full of the muchness Deanna!
you always seem to return from the thrift store with amazing finds!
There is little that I welcome with such an open heart and delight than spring bulbs. I love all flowers, but spring bulbs bring such hope and optimism for what lies ahead. Lovely thrift store score. Your lacework bag is gorgeous. Love the velvet lining. Wishing you a wonderful week.
O Deanna, that piece stitched on white paper is really something, very special !!!
Also love the scrim piece !
Hey the balls nearly unravelled ... you must have been patiently busy !!!
What wonderful finds and beautiful projects. Thanks for sharing.
Choice finds in smashing condition by the looks of them too, they were meant for you I reckon lol
Such a touching thing to do, to put a picture in the paper that way too!
The wizard of wonderful finds and whirling works strikes again! I see you spinning, stitching, pinning and pasting in a constant blur of activity. You are something else!
Deanna, your journal work with a free motion embroidery is gorgeous. I used to work on traditional crazy quilt and your work is reminded me of them - Hugs Nat
I love your embroidery on handmade paper, such a surprisingly lovely effect, so gentle. And i always like to see your bobbin lace, i don't know how you can tear yourself away from it. I can't stretch myself thin, i have to focus on one only these days.
the scrim-paper piece is gorgeous.love the hand stitched accents
Wow, Deanna, you have been a busy girl! I love all that you have to show, but my most favorite is the watercolor paper and scrim. What a great idea!
Hope you have a fabulous week!
Lovely crochet lace! I agree with Karen,you find lots of good ones from the thrift stores :) The lace pouch looks gorgeous..I love the beads on that.Are you going to make beaded fringes?
So beautiful here. I love the third photo of the watercolor paper and scrim piece with the beautiful embellishment.
I hate to show my ignorance but I've been wondering about this - how will you spin that wool -- will you twist 2 or 3 of these together to make yarn?
I seems to have a dozen projects going at one time. I get so excited about something and I run with it. Life is amazing. I will be visiting Austin in April. My son lives there. Such a beautiful city. Hope I'm not to late for the Indian paintbrush and bluebonnets. Have you ever tried to dye with them?
hi susan. we've had so little rain that i doubt there will be many bluebonnets or paintbrush. i haven't seen any yet. and no...i haven't tried dyeing with those. i don't have any growing in my yard and it's illegal to pick them on the highway.
a very quick hello
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