i'm really enjoying spinning with the drop spindle. i've been experimenting plying with a commercial lace yarn and i like the way it turned out. you can see from this picture that i'm getting better with practice.
i think this thinner yarn might be good for a pair of socks |
i've cleaned out the small garden bed, added some new ingredients and planted lettuce, radishes, spinach and peas. the radishes are already up in record time.
added some trellis' to allow the pea vines to climb |
i found this great idea for making market bags from old t-shirts on Instructables.com. there's no sewing involved and it takes about 15 minutes. here's the
link if you want to try it.
just cut off the sleeves and part of the neck and fringe and tie the bottom edge |
still working on the socks...not too crazy about the afterthought heel. i didn't like doing the Kitchener stitch...kind of fussy.
working on the second sock |
and there are a couple of things waiting in the wings:
this crochet pattern from Piecework magazine---just for the challenge |
and this shawlette pattern from craftsy.com.
i'm hoping this yarn will be the right weight |
i also have several stitching projects in the works but haven't done much stitching this week. i ran out of time. wishing you all a good weekend.