I was looking through some lace books earlier this week and was inspired by some lace collar patterns. I decided to play some more with the Colorpoint paints.
click on the images for close-ups...
the background is a manipulated amaryllis image...lace pattern done with Colorpoint paints |
A few days later I was inspired by something
Karen Ruane posted and did some free motion embroidery on the image and divided it into sections.
free motion embroidery, torn edges and bits of lace |
This will eventually find its way into my ledger.
The daily stitching project continues. I find myself not doing it every day but doing 2 or 3 at a time, every couple of days. The blocks are adding up.
daily stitching project |
During the second week of my class
Studying Under the Masters, we studied Antoni Gaudi. I am so taken with his architecture and mosaic work. I'm preparing to do a mosaic of one of the stained glass windows in the
Segrada Familia in Barcelona, Spain. There was a wonderful segment on the Segrada Familia on 60 minutes back in early 2013. You can watch it
here. It's really fascinating.
Gaudi architecture |
preparing to do a mosaic |
The idea behind copying the Masters is not to plagiarize and make it your own but to practice and to try and learn the thinking that was going on in the mind of the artist as he created. It is said through continued practice, you will find your own voice.
The American Film Director, Francis Ford Coppola said, "We want you to take from us. We want you, at first, to steal from us, because you can't steal. You will take what we give you and you will put it in your own voice. And that's how you begin. And then, one day, someone will steal from you." There are many more quotes like this one from artists, musicians, writers, and other creators, in the book
Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon. He uses the word
Steal in his title but he is just reiterating what artists have said through the ages. I'm enjoying this book that is a fast read but has a very interesting point of view.
I started a new journal for this class that I'm taking and have been experimenting with some pattern sketches.
decorated the cover of a new journal and played with some new patterns |
So it's been a productive and interesting week. We had a day of frozen precipitation that created havoc on the roads but yesterday the temperature hit 80F and will be close to that again today before another freeze hits us tonight.
oh...and I ordered this beautiful yarn that I am so anxious to receive. There is a scarf I want to knit that is a bit complicated. I signed up for a knitting class that will meet right after the lace class I attend on Tuesdays and I'll be able to get help with it there.
ordered from Blue Moon Fiber Arts |
Have a great weekend.